About Tacks

C.Z. Tacks is an Australian author of award-winning science fiction and fantasy.

I used to have a little “about me” section here, but my website had a dummy spit and it mysteriously vanished. It’ll be back up shortly - bear with me!


Frequently asked questions

  • Nope! These are stock photos sourced via the built-in thingamajig on Squarespace. They’re all of places I’ve been, though, which is why I picked them.

  • It depends! Right now I am pretty solidly booked. I might be able to take small projects, and there’s also a chance of cancellations freeing up some time. Your best bet is to contact me with clear, specific information about the project, your budget, and the timeline.

    My help-you-work-out-what-you-need consults are currently closed. If I open these again, I’ll announce it on the website and the blog.

  • I have a day job and a personal life, and I prefer not to cross the streams. What I look like isn’t a secret; I just don’t want it to be easy to Google.

  • Sure! Might not be good advice, mind.