Continuum 16

That’s right, Melbourne. I’m coming.

I’m off to Continuum 16! I’m there all weekend, and will be wearing something holographic and/or garish at all times, so that you may know me. If you really need to pin me down my Official Appearances include:

  • Playing host at the trivia night, Friday 7pm

  • The only person who regularly uses AO3 on the panel in The Age of Entitled Fans, Saturday 3pm

  • MCing the Aurealis Awards, Saturday 7pm

  • Getting as close as I dear to true-crime-podcast-girlie mode on the Deadloch panel Tasmania Is a Real Place (Probably), Sunday 2pm

  • And putting my concomm hat on for the NatCon business, Sunday 4pm

See you there!

Update: the Ditmar Awards were supposed to be this weekend, but were unavoidably delayed. New date TBC but probably Conflux in October.


Tacks Goes (Clarion) West


Award Season 2023